Rachel Kohl, lives miles away from Cedar Creek, Montana on a homestead with her immigrant parents. She longs to have her own family.
At church, she meets and yearns for Sean Malone but finds he is married to Rachel's only friend. Sheriff Malone is devastated after losing his wife in childbirth leaving him with a baby girl. This is the second loss Sean has suffered and believes God has abandoned him.
Rachel's guilty secret moves her to offer help in caring for his infant. A blizzard strands Rachel overnight with Sean, outraging her father, who insists Sean marry Rachel to avoid a scandal. Rachel dreams this might become a real marriage, but fears she is becoming more a live-in servant.
Will Rachel's love for Sean help restore their relationship and his faith? Can Sean see Rachel as the angel God has sent him?
Several days passed before Rachel gained back some strength and began to feel better. Mama had put fresh, clean sheets on the bed before going back to the homestead and, taking Baby Beth and Joey with her. She and Sean had traded off being at her side during the entire ordeal. Now Rachel was able to be out of bed for short periods and to eat soft food, but in small amounts.
On the morning Mama and Papa were bringing the children back, Rachel cooked breakfast. It felt good to be up and moving about. Sean complimented her on how delicious the bacon and eggs were, but kept a watchful on her.
He put his coffee cup down. "I need to go to the office. I'll be back to check on you. I'll ask Ingrid to stop by after the lunch rush. Promise me you'll rest today."
"Mama and Papa are bringing Baby Beth and Joey home today. I've missed them."
"The main thing is to take care of you." He gave her a lopsided grin. "The last thing I want is for folks to think I made you sick again."
Rachel laughed.
It had been a long time since she'd actually laughed. What a good feeling. So good, she kept right on laughing. The whole situation wasn't laughable, but with Sean saying something on the light side, for some reason, she felt better.
He touched her cheek. "I love your laugh. Let's have more of it in this house."
Rachel tried to smile, but his words brought tears to her eyes.

From a very young age, Mary demonstrated a love of the written word. She was an avid reader who loved the magic of a good story, so when her teachers encouraged her flair for writing, her dream of becoming a published author was born. After a career as a grade school teacher and high school counselor, and raising her two children, Mary finally found the time to pursue her dream.
Mary is an active member of Romance Writers of America and its San Diego, Hearts Through History, and Faith, Hope and Love chapters. She now lives near San Diego, CA, where she writes historical romance fiction and enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, watching movies, playing bridge, and cultivating a flower garden which includes apple trees and lilacs which remind her of her home state.
Mary loves to hear from her friends and readers. Visit her at:
Sapphire Skies
Kindle Buy Link
Barnes and Noble Buy Link
Originally from Montana, from a very young age, Mary Galusha demonstrated a love of the written word. She was an avid reader who loved the magic of a good story, so when her teachers encouraged her flair for writing, her dream of becoming a published author was born. After a career as a grade school teacher and high school counselor, and raising her two children, Mary finally found the time to pursue her dream.
where her immigrant grandparents homesteaded, so it's only fitting that her debut novel, Sapphire Skies [winner of the
the Deep in the Heart Romance 2013 Romance of the Year] and her second novel, Rachel’s Secret, are homesteading romances set in Montana in the late 1800s. She fondly remembers listening to her grandparents’ stories of survival in a new country which were, at times, both frightening and sometimes hilarious.
Mary is an active member of Romance Writers of America and its San Diego, Hearts Through History, and Faith, Hope and Love chapters. She now lives near San Diego, CA, where she writes historical romance fiction and enjoys spending time with her family and friends, reading, watching movies, playing bridge, and cultivating a flower garden which includes apple trees and lilacs which remind her of her home state.
Mary loves to hear from her friends and readers. Visit her at:
Sapphire Skies
Kindle Buy Link
Barnes and Noble Buy Link