Along the way we stopped at various diners and cafes to grab a bite to eat either going or returning home. You know…the hole-in-the-wall family operations that most likely don’t exist in the 21st century. Maybe in a very small town somewhere. They were fun because the waitress would call out the order to the cook using “Diner language.” My kids thought that was a hoot would always try to guess what was being ordered.
Our favorite was Charlie’s Place located between Red Mountain and Trona, CA. The establishment was more of a bar than a diner, located out in the boonies where desert races were held. Nothing but rocks and desert for miles in any direction.
Charlie's Place Desert around Trona, CA
As I sifted through more than a couple hundred of these diner-speak phrases, I wondered how many of them my grandchildren would understand. I’ve listed fifty+ here. Find the favorites for your family and call them out when served. Or make up a “Jeopardy” type game to guess the food from the name.
Here is a sample. Some of the terms are the dishes themselves, others are directions regarding preparation. See how many you can match.
01. A spot with a twist = Cup of tea with lemon
02. ▼ Adam and Eve on a raft = Two poached eggs on toast
04. Add Hail to the MD = Put ice in the Dr. Pepper
05. ▼All hot = A baked potato
07. Axle grease/skid grease/cow paste = Butter
08. ▼Angels on Horseback = Oysters rolled in bacon and served on toast
10. Baby juice/moo juice/cow juice/Sweet Alice = Milk
11. Belch water/balloon water = Seltzer or soda water
12. Baled Hay = Shreaded Wheat
13. Battle Creek in a bowl = Corn Flakes in a bowl
14. Biddy Board = French toast
15. Bloodhound in the Hay = A hot dog with sauerkraut
17. Burn one = Put a hamburger on the grill
18. Burn one with frog sticks = Hamburger and fries
19. Burn one, take it through the garden and pin a rose on it = A hamburger with lettuce, tomato and onion
20. ▼Burn the British = A toasted English muffin
22. Drag one through Georgia = Coca-Cola with chocolate syrup
23. Drag Wimpy through Wisconsin = Hamburger with cheese
24. Draw one in the dark = A cup of black coffee
25. Drown the Kids = Boiled Eggs
26. ▼Eve with a moldy lid = Apple pie with cheese
29. In the alley = A side dish
30. First Lady with Idaho Cakes in the alley = Ribs with Hash brown Patties on the side
31. Frog sticks = French fries
32. Fry two and let the sun shine = Two eggs sunny side up or eggs which have not been
flipped over.
33. ▼Heart Attack on Rack = Biscuits and gravy
35. Houseboat = A banana split
36. Looseners = Prunes
37. Maiden's delight = Cherries
38. Mouse Trap = Grilled Cheese Sandwich
39. Noah's boy on dough = A ham sandwich
40. Noah's boy with Murphy carrying a wreath = ham and potatoes with cabbage
41. Pair of drawers = Two cups of coffee
42. Put out the lights and cry = Liver and onions
43. Hockey puck = A hamburger, well done
44. Hold the grass / keep off the grass = A sandwich without lettuce|
45. Hot Blonde in the Sand = Coffee with cream and sugar
46. Two Cows, make them cry = Two hamburgers with onions
47. Whiskey Down with Skid Grease = Rye toast with butter
48. Wreck 'em = Scrambled eggs
Some of the diner slang is more about actions than the kind of food. These terms add significantly to the fun of the "language".
Burn one = Put a hamburger on the grill
Nuke it = Microwave
Cremate it or Kill it = cook well-done
Drop = Start cooking the accompanied item; e.g. “The mussels are almost done, better drop the calamari.”
Give It Wings = Serve quickly
On a Rail or On the Fly = Something needed quickly, like yesterday
Turn & Burn = Turn a table quickly (usually because there is a long waiting list for tables).
Pump it out = Getting food out quickly
Put legs on it = A take out item
In the alley = A side dish